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Studying at Sixth Form

The Eckington 16 - 19 Study Programme

The government's 16 to 19 study programmes are designed to provide students with a structured and challenging learning programme that supports their development and progression in line with their future career plans. Each study programme will have a core aim. The principles of these study programmes are met in full at Eckington Sixth Form where students' pathways:

  • Include one or more academic or vocational qualification that stretches the student and links clearly to training, employment or higher education. To reflect the greater demand of the new academic and vocational specifications, the majority of students from September 2016 study three A Level or equivalent subjects. However, four subject pathways are available for our most able students to facilitate their career aspirations. Pathways are monitored and revised when necessary, together with some entry requirements in response to the greater robustness of the new qualifications, which ensure students maximise their options of progression at the end of the sixth form.
  • Require students who do not have GCSE 4-9 in maths or English to work towards the achievement of these qualifications through retake classes.
  • Allow for meaningful work experience and/or other non-qualification enrichment activities such as Employer Mentoring, MOOCs, volunteering, student leadership and enrichment opportunities to develop students' character, attitude, skills, confidence and/or prepare them for employment, training or higher education. EPQ qualifications are offered during the dedicated enrichment periods on the timetable.
  • Include form-time with the tutor to deliver a tutorial programme, promote discussion, develop key skills and have one-to-one meetings with the tutor to support academic achievement and post-18 progression. Eckington Sixth Form has strong links with universities and employers.
  • Provide a lesson for personal development (guidance) to deliver the post-16 personal development curriculum covering health and wellbeing, finance, careers education, rights, responsibilities, and values, staying safe and being successful academically. All Sixth Form students have access to a dedicated careers adviser and Employer Engagement Manager in school.