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Behaviour and Culture

At Eckington School, we pride ourselves on fostering a positive ethos and culture that promotes the holistic development of our students. At the heart of our approach is 'The Eckington Way,' a set of principles and expectations that guide our actions and behaviours. We believe that by embracing and embodying these values, we cultivate habits of success that lead to real and lasting positive change for all our students.

The Eckington Way

Routines and expectations

  • Safe: safety is at the heart of everything we do at Eckington School.
  • Calm: students are expected to be calm in corridors, in lessons, around school and on school buses.
  • Polite and kind: students are expected to treat other students and staff with respect and kindness.
  • Prepared: students are expected to have good levels of attendance and punctuality. Students are also expected to bring the correct equipment to school and wear the correct school uniform.
  • Ambitious: students are expected to try their very best in all aspects of school, to enable them to maximise their full potential and leave Eckington School with excellent qualifications.

In and Around School Behaviour

Ambassadors of Eckington

Students at Eckington School are ambassadors for our institution, and we expect them to conduct themselves positively, aligning with 'The Eckington Way.' Whether in class, corridors, or common areas, our students strive to be the best versions of themselves. This commitment to positive behaviour is reflected in the balance between corrections and commendations.

Student Appearance

Pride in uniform

We take great pride in our school uniform at Eckington. It serves not only as a symbol of community, cohesion, and identity but also promotes a strong sense of belonging and a positive work ethic. As ambassadors for Eckington School, students are expected to present themselves in a smart and business-like manner, both within the school premises and in the wider community. This commitment to a professional appearance reflects the high standards we uphold.

During Learning Time

Supporting academic focus

To maintain a focused and conducive learning environment, we have established a system during learning time that includes reminders, warnings, and, if necessary, removal. This approach ensures that students are actively engaged in their lessons and contribute to a positive classroom atmosphere.

  • Reminder: given during the ready-to-learn routine to reinforce expectations.
  • Warning: logged on Arbor, the school's management information system, and issued when reminders have not been effective.
  • Remove: reserved for persistent behaviour issues. The student is sent to the remove room, and the incident is logged on Arbor. Detentions are issued promptly, with notifications to parents and detention lists sent out at 2pm.

Ready to Leave

Calm exit

All lessons at Eckington School are underpinned by our teaching and learning principles. To maintain a consistent and calm environment, the 'ready to leave routine' is followed in every lesson. This routine ensures a calm and safe exit, providing clarity to students on how each lesson should conclude.

By adhering to 'The Eckington Way' and embracing our school's ethos, we collectively contribute to a positive, respectful, and focused learning environment at Eckington School. Together, we shape the habits of success that will benefit each student for a lifetime.

Further Expectations

We are committed to creating a safe, respectful, and conducive learning environment for all our students. In addition to the expectations of The Eckington Way, which apply throughout the school day, encompassing time before and after school while on the school site, we also expect:

  • Compliance with staff instructions: students are expected to do as they are told by all staff, first time, every time, with no excuses.
  • Property care: students are responsible for looking after property and disposing of litter appropriately.
  • Mobile phones and electronic devices: should be switched off and out of sight during the school day.
  • Use of designated paths: students should use the designated footpaths and walkways.
  • Prompt arrival: students are expected to go to the locations they are supposed to be promptly.


For any behaviour that contradicts these rules, a timed written correction is placed in the student planner, which may include various infractions, such as loitering, running in the corridors, poor behaviour, incorrect uniform, and swearing. These corrections serve as reminders to uphold The Eckington Way.

Sanctions for student planner corrections are in place to address behaviour:

  • 5 planner corrections in a week: 30-minute same-day detention / 3 behaviour points
  • 10 planner corrections in a week: 60-minute same-day detention / 4 behaviour point
  • 15 planner corrections in a week: internal suspension

Refusal to hand over the student planner is considered defiance, with a progressive set of actions, including involving 'On-Call' and potential internal suspension for extreme cases.

Additionally, smoking and vaping are strictly prohibited on the school site. Students caught with smoking or vaping paraphernalia will face consequences, including detentions and possible internal suspension.

Mobile phone usage is regulated, with corrections issued during social time and removal of phones during lesson time, to be collected at the end of the day.

It is important to note that students represent the school during their journey to and from school, and poor behaviour outside school may result in sanctions.

At Eckington School, we believe that a positive and respectful school culture is essential for the success and well-being of our students. By embracing 'The Eckington Way' and adhering to our expectations, students contribute to a supportive and conducive learning environment. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond academics, encompassing the development of character, responsibility, and respect. Together, as a school community, we nurture an atmosphere where each student can thrive academically, socially, and personally.

We thank our parents and carers for partnering with us in fostering a culture of success at Eckington School.