Eckington School Sixth Formers celebrate A-level results

Students at Eckington Sixth Form celebrated today as they opened their A-level and Level 3 exam results. The school’s results show continuing improvement as their results follow last year’s upward trend.
Highlights across Eckington Sixth Form’s class of 2024 include improved results for A-level grades achieved between A*-C (71.3%), A*-B (44.4%) and A*-A (14.6%). Students studying vocational courses also saw improved results across the board.
Eckington’s Year 13 students have worked hard throughout their two years’ study, accessing regular revision sessions as well as the extensive support and development opportunities offered by the school. Their results are something of which they can be proud.
Subjects at Eckington that have seen particularly impressive student development during the two years include art, health and social care, photography and applied science. In addition, students in seven subjects including chemistry, English literature, film studies and history are to be congratulated for achieving an average grade of A*-B.
Students now head off to a wide range of destinations across the country including universities from Birmingham and Sheffield to Liverpool, York and Newcastle. They will be studying subjects such as chemistry, architecture, law, maths, business management and music.
Headteacher, Richard Cronin, said: “Many congratulations to our Year 13 students. They have worked hard and accessed all the opportunities we have offered to achieve these excellent results. That work has paid off, and these young people now go on to access a wide variety of future education and career paths.
“We wish them well and encourage them to keep in touch so that they can continue to provide inspiration to future generations of Eckington Sixth Formers.”